Jon Pyke was the Chief Technology Officer and a main board director of Staffware Plc from August 1992 until October 2003. He demonstrates an exceptional blend of Business/People Manager; a Technician with a highly developed sense where technologies fit and how they should be utilized. Jon is a world recognized industry figure; an exceptional public speaker and a seasoned quoted company executive. As the CTO for Staffware Plc, Jon was responsible for a team of 70 people, geographically split into two countries (USA and the UK) and four locations. Jon's primary responsibility was directing the product development cycle. Furthermore, Jon had overall executive responsibility for the product strategy, positioning, public speaking etc. Finally, as a main board director he was heavily involved in PLC board activities including merges and acquisitions, corporate governance, and board director of several subsidiaries. Jon joined Staffware in 1992 as the Technical Director. At that time Staffware was a privately held company employing approximately 18 people with an annual turnover of £1.2 million – during Jon's tenure with the company, it was taken public by floating on the London Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in 1995 followed by a full listing on the London Stock Exchange in 2000. The company has achieved year on year growth of more than 50% (CAGR) and now employs some 350 people in 16 countries with £40 million turn over. Profitable every year. Jon was personally responsible for the re-design of the product from a Unix only “green screen” system supporting around 20 users to a full client server 3-tiered application supporting many thousands of users. Furthermore Jon personally designed the world’s first full Java workflow client and designed and implemented the "eProcess" initiatives. When Staffware acquired a CRM company in the USA Jon was appointed Chairman of Staffware eCRM Inc. until the integration was complete. A Significant amount of Jon's time is spent giving high level presentations to the boards of potential customers (both business and technical) as well as business and technical partners. Jon is recognized as an excellent public speaker. Keith Ayers is the President of Integro Leadership Institute LLC, a leadership consulting group based in West Chester, PA. Originally from Australia, Keith joined Integro as a consultant in 1977 and took over the ownership of the organization in 1982. Demand for his programs and expertise in the United States led him to move to Pennsylvania in August 2001. The U.S. division of Integro now has over 60 certified associates across North America.
Keith's first career was as a Navigator in the Royal Australian Air Force which included a term of active duty in Vietnam.
His expertise is working with CEO's and senior executive teams to help them create a high performance culture... one that is based on a high level of trust and personal responsibility. Keith has worked with executive teams in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China and the U.S., and has also been a speaker at conferences in Germany, Finland, the U.K. and throughout North America.
A long held view that "training events" do not produce business results, led Keith to author the Leadership Development Process™ and Senior Team Alignment Process™. These integrated "processes" include before and after measurement and application projects that help executive teams and managers take their company culture "head on", and get all employees committed to achieving outstanding results.
Keith is the author of the book Engagement Is Not Enough: You Need Passionate Employees to Achieve Your Dream, published by Advantage in October 2006.
In addition to his heavy travel and speaking schedule Keith continues to work with senior executive teams. Terry Schurter is a Director of the nonprofit International Process and Performance Institute, former CEO of Bennu Group, Research Director for Process with Bloor Research and CIO of the BPM Group. An internationally recognized thought leader in Business Process Management, Performance Management, and Customer Expectation Management he received the Global Thought Leadership Award in 2007 from the 20,000+ member BPM Group. As a Director of the International Process and Performance Institute (IPAPI) I am helping to lead the way in the improvement approach on process for personal, organizational and customer success. To achieve that I have worked with the rest of the Institute's team to develop the IPAPI CEM Method™ (the de facto standard for delivering sustainable business process optimization and improvement), the theory and practice behind the 21st Century Value Chain, the Process Innovation Landscape, and the Certified Process Professional Program. Keith Swenson is Vice President of Research and Development at Fujitsu Computer Systems Corporation, as well as Chairman of the Technical Committee of Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). He is known for having been a pioneer in web services, and has helped the development of standards such as WfMC Interface 2, OMG Workflow Interface, SWAP, Wf-XML, AWSP, WSCI, and is currently working on standards such as XPDL and ASAP. He has led efforts to develop software products to support work teams at MS2, Netscape, and Ashton Tate. He is currently the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Workflow Management Coalition. In 2004 he was awarded the Marvin L. Manheim Award for outstanding contributions in the field of workflow. PETER FINGAR is an internationally recognized expert on business strategy, globalization and business process management. He's a practitioner with over thirty years of hands-on experience at the intersection of business and technology.
He has held management, technical and advisory positions with GTE Data Services, American Software and Computer Services, Saudi Aramco, EC Cubed, the Technical Resource Connection division of Perot Systems and IBM Global Services.
He has taught graduate and undergraduate computing studies at business schools in the U.S. and abroad, and has given keynote talks worldwide (including London, New York, Washington, Munich, Paris, Brussels, Tokyo, San Francisco, Montreal, Chicago, Denver, San Diego, Las Vegas, Miami, Cairo, Johannesburg, Riyadh, Dubai, and Milan).
In addition to numerous articles (including CIO Magizine, Optimize, Computerworld, Intelligent Enterprise, Internet World (columnist), SiliconIndia, FirstMonday, EAI Journal, Logistics, Information Age, and the Journal of Systems Management), he is an author of nine books, including the landmark books Extreme Competition: Innovation and the Great 21st Century Business Reformation, The Real-Time Enterprise: Competing on Time, and Business Process Management: The Third Wave ( Max. J. Pucher is the Founder and current Chief Architect of ISIS Papyrus Software, an independent software vendor focused on business content (documents?) and process management. Our speciality is to utilize Machine Learning technology to reduce the amount of programming needed to analyze and create content and related processes. Our key concept is that there are no processes without content and content without process is irrelevant. Of course there is documentation and marketing content that is not related to a business process instance, but still needed to perform a certain process. I challenge anyone here to provide me with proof that content and process are not the same. It is not a one-to-one relationship as multiple content may make up a single process or mulitple processes may use the same content. I also claim right here that processes are always in the need of working with inbound and outbound content, except odd processes such as vacation authorization. The need for complex process links disappears when content state controls process progression. I therefore do not see the need for standalone BPM products that only create substantial integration and programming efforts. I propose that businesses need a consolidated approach for ECM, BPM, CRM, as well as business rules and operational business intelligence which Forrester Research calls a DBA or Dynamic Business Application. Read his blog here. David Wiltz has a Bachelor of Journalism degree from University of Texas, Austin. He has written numerous articles for newsletters and newspapers including the Dallas Morning News. Currently a consultant with SIBRIDGE Consulting, David has more than 25 years of experience in IT in the roles of Manager, Application Architect, Enterprise Architect, Business Analyst, Mentor and Developer. His major consulting focus is helping companies more effectively utilize Enterprise Architecture concepts and deliverables for operational improvement, cost savings and strategic enablement. With this focus, a major percentage of engagements involve process improvement and/or re-engineering and mapping IT systems to business processes. David also assists clients with improving their systems development processes, especially the up front steps of taking business strategy and objectives and transforming those into projects, requirements and architectural solutions. |